How Does The HCA Diet Differ From The HCG Diet?


The HCA Diet, The Human Conjugated Collagen Diet, is an effective and fast-acting weight loss program that is combined with moderate calorie restriction with the administration of human choroidal gonadotropin (HCA).

The aim of the HCA Diet is to reduce body fat and improve insulin sensitivity while increasing lean body mass and decreasing total cholesterol. For this reason, many people who are overweight or obese choose to use the HCA Diet to meet their weight loss goals. 

The use of HCA as a weight loss program is a popular strategy among many individuals who are trying to reduce weight and improve health. However, the results of many studies conducted on the use of HCA as a weight loss regimen have been conflicting.

HCG Diet And Its Basic Design

The HCG Diet was designed by a man who experienced the disadvantages of excessive weight gain and metabolic slowdown associated with excessive weight. He realized that it was necessary to find a way to permanently remove excess weight without feeling hungry throughout the day. 

He discovered that when the metabolism of the body slows down, it also becomes unable to burn fat for energy. He thus developed the first-ever weight loss pill using human cholesterol, which he named The HCG Diet. This discovery led to the successful development of the HCA Diet which still in use today.

Three phases 

The next phase of The HCG Diet is called phase three. During this phase, you will be required to gradually reduce your daily caloric intake until such time that you are not eating foods that cause severe spikes in your blood sugar levels.

 You will then be required to gradually increase your consumption of healthy fats and proteins. Phase three of the diet has been found to be more effective than the first phase, in some instances.

Why HCA works so effectively

Many researchers believe that the reason why HCA works so effectively is that it stimulates the production of an enzyme called leptin, which is secreted by the hypothalamus. Leptin is important for regulating metabolism and other aspects of the human brain. Without feeling hungry throughout the day, the leptin hormone will allow your brain to return to a state of balanced arousal and burn fat more efficiently. As a result, you will reduce your body weight without feeling bloated, despite the reduction in caloric intake.


Leptin and its receptors are then affected by the endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids act as messengers in the body. They communicate to specific neurons and synapses in the brain and send these signals to different parts of the body depending on which pathway the neurotransmitters are using.

 With the new study finding that there is a strong link between the hormones produced by the hypothalamus and the production of two hormones essential for fertility, the HCG Diet and HCA Diet may be extremely important in increasing sperm count, reducing symptoms of menopause, and stimulating ovulation.


A lot of the foods on the two diet lists (The HCG Diet and The HCA Diet ) are high in glucose such as white rice, pasta, white bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, processed cereals, soda pop, candy bars, and even ice cream. It is difficult to imagine how eating any of these foods could have anything to do with boosting fertility. This was a surprise to many researchers, but there seems to be some truth to this.

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What research says? 

The research also found that women who ate at least five servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day during their fertile years were more likely to conceive than women who did not eat such foods. These same researchers recommended that couples trying to get pregnant should include lean proteins in their diets as well as carbohydrates. 

The HCA Diet recommends limiting carbohydrates to thirty grams per day while The HCG Diet recommends increasing protein sources to twenty grams per serving. It would seem that there would be little conflict between the two diet lists. However, The HCA Diet does note that women who are trying to become pregnant should limit their protein intake and that they should make sure they are eating enough fruits and vegetables each day.

Do females utilize these diets?

Women should not worry about the types of foods that they can and cannot eat while following either of these two fertility diets. Both lists encourage an increase in protein and an elimination of refined sugar from the diet. 

However, The HCG Diet requires that women only eat eggs and cheese, whereas The HCA Diet requires that women eat at least fifty percent of their calories from fruit and/or vegetables each day. While the specifics may differ slightly for each fertility diet, most agree that a balanced diet consisting of a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources is ideal. 


Both diet plans also recommend that women eat five to eight servings of fruits and/or vegetables per day while on the diet, but the amounts of these specific foods may vary by the creator of the diet. It is also important to remember that the 500 calorie diet only contains foods that a typical American diet would contain.


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